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Quote from Brent in A Chip Driver Mystery

Michael: It was a real high point. The ski trip, I mean. Not the completely rigged hotness contest. All in all, it was the best we'd ever felt about the experiment. And then, Brent did something... very Brentian.
Bad Janet: Who could have predicted that?
Brent: Oh, hey, ski bunnies! So, great news. I wrote a book. And since you're my nerdiest friends, you get to be the first to read it.
Chidi: "Six Feet Under Par: A Chip Driver Mystery."
Brent: Yeah, it's half spy novel, half murder mystery. It's also half submarine adventure, half erotic memoir, and half political thriller. It's also half golf tutorial and half commentary on society.
Simone: So it's 3 1/2 books in one?
Brent: At least. So read it ASAP. I'm having a book-signing party and I want you to introduce me. You know, talk about how great it is.
Simone: Oh.
Brent: Party's in two days, so chop-chop.

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