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Quote from Michael in The Eternal Shriek

Tahani: Speeches! Time for speeches, everyone. Michael, as someone who didn't exactly have the steadiest parental guidance, I just want to thank you. You were always there for us.
Michael: I shouldn't have been. I was the problem.
Tahani: Yes, but... it was also great when you weren't there.
Michael: Don't worry. Soon I won't be... forever.
Glenn: Because of The Eternal Shriek!
Tahani: Yes, thank you, Glenn. Look, what I'm trying to say is this... Michael, you always kept us warm and safe like a bright, glowing sun.
Michael: Like the one I kicked the dog into or the one I'm going to be burned on the surface of for eternity?
Tahani: Okay, no more speeches. Speeches are over. Michael's going to talk now.

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