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Quote from Jason in Jason Mendoza

Eleanor: Hey, buddy. You okay?
Jason: No. I was just about to tell an awesome story about a wing eating contest that I lost and a barfing contest that I won, but then a hole opened up in the ground.
Eleanor: I know. I made the hole to save you from yourself. You cannot let people know who you really are. It would be very, very bad.
Pillboi: Beautiful, beautiful Jacksonville. What's wrong, dog? You look like you're freaking out.
Jason: Things are bad, Pillboi. Acidcat is suing me for "bleach of contract." I should have never pretended to be someone else. It could cost me all my dreams in life.
Pillboi: You got dreams in life? That's lit.
Jason: Of course I have dreams, man. I don't want to be a DJ in Jacksonville forever. I want to DJ in Daytona, Tallahassee, Tampa, even. I want it all.
Pillboi: That's big goals, man.
Jason: I know, but I believe in myself. Someday, the world will see what I already know: that Jason Mendoza is a beautiful, unique soul who has so much to give this world. Okay, that's Acidcat's speedboat. Hand me the thing that blows it up. [Jason lobs a molotov cocktail onto the deck of the boat]

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