Quote from Sophia in Henny Penny - Straight, No Chaser
Dorothy: Mail call. Ah, Ma. Here's a letter for you from Palermo. Sophia: Oh, it's the latest chess move from my old rival Serafina Gambrotsi. Dorothy: Ma, how long has this chess game by mail been going on? What, it must be ten years now, huh? Sophia: And it's going to keep on going until I beat Serafina at something. Dorothy: What are you talking about? Sophia: Picture it. Sicily, 1920. Serafina and I were both crazy about Marco the Goat Boy. In appearance, an Adonis. In behavior, horny as a toad. Little did I know he had a thing for hairy fat girls. If I were fatter and hairier, Dorothy, Marco the Goat Boy could've been your father. Dorothy: I think we all grieve. Ma, that was 70 years ago. I was sure you'd forgotten. Sophia: I forget nothing. So, any mail?