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Quote from Dorothy in Till Death Do We Volley

Dorothy: Everybody. Everybody, can I have your attention, please? Uh, I know I've been a bit scarce tonight, but there is a reason. Something tragic happened this morning. [sobbing] Oh, Ma, I need your help.
Sophia: Sure, sweetheart. Trudy's dead!
Dorothy: Please, everybody. Everybody. It happened this morning when we were playing tennis. Trudy's heart just couldn't take it. I- I- I'm so sorry that I dragged her out on the court and made her run back and forth so hard. I wish it had been me instead of her, because it's all my fault. We might as well take down that banner and put up one that says, "Welcome to the Dorothy Killed Trudy Party"!
Rose: [doorbell] Oh, darn. Someone's late. Dorothy'll have to give her speech all over again.

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