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Quote from Sophia in Melodrama

Blanche: Oh! My God, I've got goose bumps. Mel will be here any minute.
Dorothy: Why are you so jumpy? You've been out with Mel a thousand times.
Blanche: I know, but now there's more at stake. Everything's changed. It's all new and exciting. In many ways, I feel just the way I felt when I was a virgin.
Sophia: You mean, the feeling isn't gonna last long?
Blanche: Are you implying I lost my virginity at an early age?
Sophia: I'm just saying you're lucky Jack and Jill magazine didn't have a gossip column.
Dorothy: Ma!
Sophia: Please, Pussycat, I'm on a roll.
Blanche: I'm sorry, Sophia, but I am not gonna let your skepticism ruin my entire evening. Mel and I were meant to be together.
Sophia: I wish I could say the same for your thighs. God, I'm hot tonight.

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