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Quote from Dorothy in That Was No Lady

Glen: Sweetheart, if you want to grab some dinner, we'll have to take separate cars. I'm gonna have to leave for home right from the restaurant.
Dorothy: Glen, forget dinner. We need to talk. Things aren't working out anymore and I don't know what to do to make them any better. You can't leave your wife and I'm not cut out to be the other woman.
Glen: Dorothy, you know I love you.
Dorothy: I know that. But it's not enough.
Glen: I don't want to lose you.
Dorothy: I don't want to lose you either. That's why I came back.
Glen: I thought you understood. I can't break up my marriage! Not now, not at this stage of my life. If things didn't work out between you and me, I'd be alone. That kind of risk is fine when you're 40, but I couldn't do it today. I'm too old for that, Dorothy.
Dorothy: Glen, the risk shouldn't scare you at any age. And at any age, the loving would make it worthwhile. You- You want a safe, easy, comfortable home life and a romance and excitement on the side and it's not for me.
Glen: Dorothy, please think about what you're throwing away.
Dorothy: If I stay, I am throwing away my future. Now I'll go home. I'll hurt. But after awhile, I'll feel better and I'll go on with my life. If I continue this, I'll end up alone. And I care too much about myself to let that happen.
Glen: Dorothy, I love you.
Dorothy: I love you too. Goodbye.

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