Beverly Quote #724

Quote from Beverly in The Circle of Driving Again

Beverly: Oh, my God. Please tell me you made him wear a seatbelt.
Adam: Technically, I didn't get that far.
Beverly: Doesn't matter. You always wear a seatbelt. Why?
Adam: Because of the road pirates.
Pops: What the hell are road pirates?
Adam: They're like sea pirates, but instead of other ships, they plunder mid-sized sedans and hatchbacks.
Beverly: That's right. Without a belt, they'll just reach into the window and yank you out of the car.
Murray: What are these words?! What are you teaching him when I'm not around?


 ‘The Circle of Driving Again’ Quotes

Quote from Beverly

Murray: Wait, if the clamp gets wet, doesn't it get rusty?
Beverly: Of course it gets rusty. He works around water and metal. That's why he wears a bag over the clamp.
Murray: Ah, come on, there's gotta be a better way to clean pools than a homemade clamp with a bag over it.
Beverly: He's a very determined man!

Quote from Beverly

Pops: Oy vey, Bev. There is no train.
Beverly: Essie Karp's pool man thought the same thing until, boom! His truck was T-boned by a commuter train. Now he holds the skimmer with a homemade clamp.
Pops: Homemade clamp?
Beverly: It's attached to his shoulder. He opens and shuts it with wires he keeps in his mouth.
Murray: No arm part? Just a clamp and a shoulder?
Beverly: Pulleys. It works very well.
Murray: Wouldn't he just choose a different career if he had a homemade clamp?
Beverly: Skimming is his life, Murray. It's what he knows. It's what he knows!
Adam: Everything you're saying right now is very distracting.

Quote from Beverly

Pops: Please drop it already.
Beverly: You know he cleans gutters in the fall? He just swaps in a scooper for the clamp.
Murray: Scoop? What kind of scooper?
Beverly: [laughs] He scoops with a homemade ladle. He scoops out all the gutters.
Murray: So he's scooping gutters with a homemade ladle?
Beverly: He scoops and skims!
Murray: You expect me to believe that?
Beverly: He scoops in the fall and skims in the summer! Scoops and skims.