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The Goldbergs
The Goldbergs
The Goldbergs
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Mini Murray
Where the [beep] was the mouse?
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Pops: Where the [beep] was the mouse?
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Coach Mellor
Mr. Glascott
Naked Rob
Dave Kim
Bill Lewis
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1022. Bev to the Future
1021. Push It
1020. Uptown Boy
1019. Flowers for Barry
1018. Love Shack
1017. A Flyer's Path to Victory
1016. The Better Annie
1015. The Crush
1014. Two-Timing Goldbergs
1013. Moms Need Other Moms
1012. Amadoofus
1011. Blade Runner: The Musical
1010. Worst Grinch Ever
1009. Million Dollar Reward
1008. Another Turkey in the Trot
1007. Rhinestones and Roses
1006. DKNY
1005. Uncle-ing
1004. Man of the House
1003. Jenkintown After Dark
1002. That's a Schwartz Man
1001. If You Build It
922. Adam Graduates!
921. One Exquisite Evening with Madonna
920. Sunday Chow-Fun Day
919. Grand Theft Scooter
918. School-ercise
917. The Strangest Affair of All Time
916. The Downtown Boys
915. The Wedding
914. The Steve Weekend
913. A Peck of Familial Love
912. The Kissing Bandits
911. Hip-Shaking and Booty-Quaking
910. You Only Die Once, or Twice, But Never Three Times
909. Tennis People
908. A Light Thanksgiving Nosh
907. The Rose-Kissy Thing
906. The Hunt for the Great Albino Pumpkin
905. An Itch Like No Other
904. The William Penn Years
903. Riptide Waters
902. Horse Play
901. The Goldbergs' Excellent Adventure
822. The Proposal
821. Alligator Schwartz
820. Poker Night
819. Daddy Daughter Day 2
818. The Dating Game
817. Who's Afraid of Brea Bee?
816. Couple Off
815. Bever-lé
814. Love Triangle
813. Mr. Ships Ahoy
812. The Lasagna You Deserve
811. Quaker Warden
810. Geoff's New Hat
809. Cocoon
808. Bevy's Big Murder Mystery Party
807. Hanukkah On the Seas
806. Eracism
805. Dee-Vorced
804. Bill's Wedding
803. It's All About Comptrol
802. The Prettiest Boy in School
801. Airplane!
723. Pretty in Pink
722. The Fake-Up
721. Oates & Oates
720. The Return of the Formica King
719. Island Time
718. Schmoopie's Big Adventure
717. A Fish Story
716. Body Swap
715. Dave Kim's Party
714. Preventa Mode
713. Geoff the Pleaser
712. Game Night
711. Pickleball
710. It's a Wonderful Life
709. The Beverly Goldberg Cookbook: Part 2
708. Angst-Giving
707. WrestleMania
706. A 100% True Ghost Story
705. Parents Thursday
704. Animal House
703. Food in a Geoffy
702. Dana's Back
701. Vacation
623. Breakin'
622. Mom Trumps Willow
621. I Lost on Jeopardy
620. This is This is Spinal Tap
619. Eight-bit Goldbergs
618. The Beverly Goldberg Cookbook
617. Our Perfect Strangers
616. There Can Only Be One Highlander Club
615. My Valentine Boy
614. Major League'd
613. I Coulda Been a Lawyer
612. The Pina Colada Episode
611. The Wedding Singer
610. Yippee Ki Yay Melon Farmer
609. Bachelor Party
608. The Living Room: A 100% True Story
607. Bohemian Rap City
606. Fiddler
605. Mister Knifey-Hands
604. Hersheypark
603. RAD!
602. You Got Zuko'd
601. Sixteen Candles
522. Let's Val Kilmer This Car
521. Spaceballs
520. The Opportunity of a Lifetime
519. Flashy Little Flashdancer
518. MTV Spring Break
517. Colors
516. The Scrunchie Rule
515. Adam Spielberg
514. Hail Barry
513. The Hooters
512. Dinner with the Goldbergs
511. The Goldberg Girls
510. We Didn't Start the Fire
509. Parents Just Don't Understand
508. The Circle of Driving Again
507. A Wall Street Thanksgiving
506. Girl Talk
505. Jackie Likes Star Trek
504. Revenge o' the Nerds
503. Goldberg on The Goldbergs
502. Hogan Is My Grandfather
501. Weird Science
424. Graduation Day
423. Jedi Master Adam Skywalker
422. The Day After the Day After
421. Fonzie Scheme
420. The Dynamic Duo
419. A Night to Remember
418. Baré
417. Deadheads
416. The Kara-te Kid
415. So Swayze It's Crazy
414. The Spencer's Gift
413. Agassi
412. Snow Day
411. O Captain! My Captain!
410. Han Ukkah Solo
409. Globetrotters
408. The Greatest Musical Ever Written
407. Ho-ly K.I.T.T.
406. Recipe for Death II: Kiss the Cook
405. Stefan King
404. Crazy Calls
403. George! George Glass!
402. I Heart Video Dating
401. Breakfast Club
324. Have a Summer
323. Big Orange
322. Smother's Day
321. Rush
320. Dungeons and Dragons, Anyone?
319. Magic Is Real
318. 12 Tapes for a Penny
317. The 'Dirty Dancing' Dance
316. Edward 'Eddie the Eagle' Edwards
315. Weird Al
314. Lainey Loves Lionel
313. Double Dare
312. Baio and Switch
311. The Tasty Boys
310. A Christmas Story
309. Wingmom
308. In Conclusion, Thanksgiving
307. Lucky
306. Couples Costume
305. Boy Barry
304. I Caddyshacked the Pool
303. Jimmy 5 is Alive
302. A Chorus Lie
301. A Kick-Ass Risky Business Party
224. Goldbergs Feel Hard
223. Bill/Murray
222. Dance Party USA
221. As You Wish
220. Just Say No
219. La Biblioteca Es Libros
218. I Drank The Mold
217. The Adam Bomb
216. The Lost Boy
215. Happy Mom, Happy Life
214. Barry Goldberg's Day Off
213. Van People
212. Cowboy Country
211. The Darryl Dawkins Dance
210. DannyDonnieJoeJonJordan
209. The Most Handsome Boy on the Planet
208. I Rode a Hoverboard
207. A Goldberg Thanksgiving
206. Big Baby Ball
205. Family Takes Care of Beverly
204. Shall We Play a Game?
203. The Facts of Bleeping Life
202. Mama Drama
201. Love is a Mixtape
123. Livin' on a Prayer
122. A Wrestler Named Goldberg
121. The Age of Darkness
120. You're Not Invited
119. The President's Fitness Test
118. For Your Own Good
117. Lame Gretzy
116. Goldbergs Never Say Die
115. Muscles Mirsky
114. You Opened the Door
113. The Other Smother
112. You're Under Foot
111. Kara-Te
110. Shopping
109. Stop Arguing and Start Thanking
108. The Kremps
107. Call Me When You Get There
106. Who Are You Going To Telephone?
105. The Ring
104. Why're You Hitting Yourself?
103. Mini Murray
102. Daddy Daughter Day
101. Circle of Driving
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The Goldbergs
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