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Quote from Mr. Glascott in Love Shack

Virginia Kremp: It's interesting.
Matt: So interesting.
Mr. Glascott: I concur on the interesting.
Essie Karp: Well, I have a question. Why was it so filthy?
Pop-Pop: Filthy?
Mr. Glascott: You know, all the very explicit and unrelenting sexual imagery.
Pop-Pop: Well, aliens, they really get after it.
Matt: It seems they do nothing else. Is Earth just one big bed to them?
Pop-Pop: Well, it's a foxy planet. You gotta admit it. See, our sun cooks their loins and puts them into a frenzy.
Mr. Glascott: No, no, no. I remember those 30 pages, but the plot just seems to fall away.

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