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Quote from Geoff in Love Shack

Adult Adam: [v.o.] With that, Erica and Geoff tried again to reboot their f*re for each other with a romantic hotel getaway.
Geoff: [knock at door] Coming, my sexy wife! I think you're really gonna like the accommodat-
Erica: Sorry I'm late. I had to swing home.
Geoff: Oh, uh, I see that, but why did you bring our daughter? Don't get me wrong, big fan.
Erica: I just couldn't leave her.
Geoff: Well, she is the best. Aren't you?
Erica: Look how amazing this room is. Ooh, and how comfy that bed looks.
Geoff: It does, doesn't it? [baby voice] Doesn't it?
Erica: Here's a thought. Why don't you put down our girl, and I'm gonna take a quick catnap on this bad boy, and then you and I, mister, are gonna get on the train to Sexy Town.
Geoff: Well, punch my ticket, 'cause I'm all aboard. Choo-choo! [Erica is fast asleep] Uh, babe? [Erica snores] Fun.

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