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Quote from Barry in Moms Need Other Moms

Beverly: What is going on in here?
Barry: I need to move out. Ideally, to a modern penthouse with a 360-degree view and a live-in butler. But I'll take a slightly lower level and a sassy maid.
Beverly: You could stay here and I'll be your sassy maid.
Barry: Fun stuff. Now get on the horn with the Realtor and see what's available near the mayor's mansion.
Beverly: So, I'm paying for you to leave me?
Barry: I'm a medical student.
Beverly: Well, you're also an adult. So figure it out on your own.
Barry: Yesterday you brushed out my hair as I was watching Scooby-Doo!
Beverly: You're my little Shaggy, and you're not going anywhere. Mwah!

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