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Quote from Adam in Sunday Chow-Fun Day

Adult Adam: [v.o.] In that moment, it was clear. Neither my mom nor Principal Ball really wanted to leave, and I had to be the one to remind them why.
Adam: Wait! It's true, I wanted independence at college. But, Principal Ball, you don't really want my mom to leave.
Principal Ball: It feels like that is what I want.
Adam: No! I think, deep down, you have affection for her. And you share the same goal, making sure every kid who passes through this place gets the very best they deserve.
Principal Ball: I suppose. But she just makes it so darn difficult sometimes.
Adam: But all of you have benefited from having her here, from the shiny, new urinals to safer parking lots to teachers who care deeply. She's made this school, and you, better.

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