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Quote from Barry in The Downtown Boys

Andy: I sing like an angel, but, unfortunately, I was just diagnosed with a rare condition called Dog-Hair Lung.
Jean Calabasas: I guess that's not nothing.
Barry: Damn right, it isn't. 'Cause Jean here is gonna transform us from a ragtag group with an alarming amount of physical and emotional ailments into a teen sound sensation.
Jean Calabasas: Why don't we start with some scales?
Barry: No need! I've already taken the liberty of writing an international mega-jam with choreography.
Jean Calabasas: It's called "Age Appropriate"?
Barry: There's a slim chance some of our fans might think we're slightly older than our smokin'-hot teenage personas. So I decided to steer into the skid, crafting a song that both rocks bodies and answers questions.

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