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Quote from Mr. Glascott in An Itch Like No Other

Mr. Glascott: Hello, Beverly.
Beverly: John? You're, um... You're all wet! [chuckles]
Mr. Glascott: Woodburn's homemade canoe wasn't seaworthy. We hit some rapids, and it broke apart.
Beverly: Oh, no.
Mr. Glascott: Oh, yeah. We were at the mercy of the current, gasping for air as we bounced between rocks and other boaters. And they all just laughed at us. Canoeists are not a good people.
Beverly: I'm so sorry.
Mr. Glascott: For what? For the hour that I spent clinging to a branch so that I wouldn't go over a waterfall? Or for the fact that you threw a barbecue without me?
Beverly: Oh, this? What? No, no. Murray just decided to throw an impromptu meat-fest. You know, he's so fun and spontaneous.
Mr. Glascott: He is famously none of those things. You pawned me off so you didn't have to invite me.
Beverly: We have been spending a lot of time...
Mr. Glascott: I get it. Too much John. Well, guess what? You don't get any John! Except if you have another John in your social orbit. I mean, it is quite the common name! [sobs]

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