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Quote from Lainey in Poker Night

Adult Adam: [v.o.] While my parents couldn't read my poker face, Lainey and Erica celebrated their big gig at L.A.'s finest '80s eatery... the Cheesecake Factory.
Erica: So they don't even call your name?
Lainey: No, they page you, just like a doctor or, in rarer cases, a dentist.
Erica: Wow. L.A. people are just better than us.
Lainey: Yeah, the only knock on this place is the traffic. But trust me, they're gonna figure it out.
Erica: Oh, God. Look who it is.
Lainey: If it's TV's Webster, just play it cool and do not pick him up. He looks like an adorable toddler, but he's actually 31.

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