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Quote from Beverly in Bever-lé

Adult Adam: [v.o.] As Vic and Bill spooked my brother, my mom was looking to scare up a few new customers.
Virginia Kremp: Oh! Judas the Betrayer! What did you just spray in my face?!
Beverly: Bon-Bon Boudoir. It's a skin toner. I'll put you down for four bottles. Is the rest of the herd here? Ladies! [singsong voice] I hope you brought your checkbooks. [gasps] Jane Bales!
Jane Bales: Hello, Beverly. I've heard that we're co-workers, which is great, because every team needs a scrub.
Beverly: The only thing I'm going to scrub is the floor with my sales numbers.
Essie Karp: This is awkward. Uh, we just bought a whole bunch of stuff from Jane.
Jane Bales: Anyway, gotta run, which I do often. Hence my exquisite frame. [chuckles] Toodles, my poodles.

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