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Quote from Beverly in The Lasagna You Deserve

Beverly: Every Goldberg child must learn to fend for himself.
Barry: The world's job is to bend and often break to my will.
Erica: You have to take what's yours, and also what's not.
Beverly: It's time to teach my coddled baby not to be a pushover.
Pops: Or we could all just leave the gentle, kind-hearted child alone.
Beverly: No! Here are some phrases you'll need. "I'd like to speak to your manager," "The sign says 'closed', but the light is on," and, "You can't prove this wasn't on the sale rack."
Adam: Those seem pretty horrible.
Beverly: Now you're getting it!
Barry: And don't be afraid to use the environment around you. Stomp, toss stuff, knock things over.
Erica: I like to swing my emotions around. One moment, I'm gently pleading. The next, I'm on the ground crying and kicking security.

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