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Quote from Adam in Bill's Wedding

Adult Adam: [v.o.] Yep, my mom and Jane were a dream team, but I was in a relationship nightmare.
Adam: Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. Dammit! Answering machine!
Barry: Dude, you're doomed. Leaving a message won't get your lady back.
Adam: [on phone] Brea! It's Adam Goldberg of Adam and Brea.
Barry: It's already bad.
Adam: I know you're headed off to sexy Hartford, but I could use a pep talk on where we stand. I mean, you could do whatever you want, but please don't do whatever you want. For the love of God, stay out of that hotel pool!
Barry: You're tanking it, bro. Just hang up while you're behind.
Adam: Anyhoo, safe travels, and please don't leave me. Oh, here comes my anxiety gas. Have I hung up yet? [hangs up] I think I nailed it.
Barry: You did not, but you can fix it. Just leave a few more messages in the same tone of clumsy desperation.
Adam: You're not a good person.
Barry: I know.

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