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Quote from Murray in Pickleball

Pop-Pop: Here we go again, his highness bellyaching about his birthday.
Murray: What birthday? You never even gave me one.
Pop-Pop: La-di-da. Look who needs a birthday every year. Who are you, Colonel Sanders?
Murray: The chicken guy?
Pop-Pop: He was fancy, though, huh? I mean, who would wear a white suit around all those chickens?
Murray: Fine. The Colonel is a Southern dandy. But you never gave me a card or a cake or, God forbid, a present!
Pop-Pop: Well, who knows what kids want?
Murray: I told you every year!
Pop-Pop: Yeah, socks that you'd call your own.
Murray: No, a transistor radio to listen to a ball game!
Pop-Pop: Oh, boo-hoo. You know what you did get? A roof.
Murray: Oh, you spoiled me by letting me indoors.

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