Quote from Beverly in The Beverly Goldberg Cookbook: Part 2
Beverly: Schmoo, feast your delicious boy eyes on 400 pages of scrumptious family history. Adam: Wow, this has... So many words. Most not about food. And who is that sturdy fella? Beverly: That's your great-aunt Esther. Adam: Why two eye patches? Beverly: This is a funny story. Uh, she was dragged by a horse through the town. Adam: That is funny. Beverly: [laughing] Until the reins finally got stuck in a tree branch, and the horse fell on top of her. [chuckles] So, of course, they shot it. Adam: And why would you put that in a book about food? Beverly: Because the next day, she made a delicious horse stew. I changed it to lamb because some people can be stuffy. Adam: And she must've had to make a lot since she had 14 kids. Beverly: No, no. As I indicated here next to the ingredients, uh, only six of them lived. [Adam exhales sharply] Disease, war, winter, famine. Seven of them were just stomped to death.