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Quote from Beverly in Pretty in Pink

Beverly: Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.
Principal Ball: You were sitting in here when I walked in, so that was no notice at all. And then I when I asked you to leave, you said, "I'm not your hair."
Beverly: Now down to business. Adam needs to be prom king.
Mr. Woodburn: Ha! The voting's already done. He got zero! He didn't even vote for himself!
Beverly: Then just lose the prom court. Do the popular kids really need to be crowned? I mean, what kind of message does that send to the others?
Principal Ball: Suck less?
Mr. Woodburn: Be beautiful on the outside.
Beverly: And isn't it your duty to protect those kids?
Mr. Woodburn: My only duty is to my cats and the Freemasons.

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