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Quote from Beverly in Island Time

Adam: Why are you here?
Beverly: Adam, I'm sorry. If you want to take some time off, I support you.
Adam: You really mean that?
Beverly: Yes. Kinda. Not even a little. Boopie, you've been talking about film school since you were in kindergarten.
Adam: But that was before I knew I didn't have what it takes to get in.
Beverly: Of course you do. You... You are so much more than a math score.
Adam: But that's all they care about.
Beverly: Then we're gonna make them see what I see... an amazing, creative kid who can do anything he sets his mind to.
Adam: Except divide fractions. [scoffs] You're supposed to multiply them? That makes no sense.
Beverly: It doesn't. [chuckles] But you know what does? Is we are gonna wow NYU so hard, they have to accept you.

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