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Quote from Barry in Island Time

Barry: No way! This isn't a couples' trip. This is spring break. The most no‐strings‐attached, Erica‐free travel week of them all.
John Calabasas: Yeah. Bringing your girlfriend to spring break is like bringing sand to the beach. Which I might recommend because the shoreline of Camaica is covered in dead whales.
Ren: Dude, I wanna spring break, too. I've got a bikini and $40 to bribe foreign cops with.
Barry: Damn it! Now Erica's hot friend with no moral compass is coming. Spring break is ruined.
Erica: So, Ren and I will split a room and you guys can all bunk together, so you can still have your boys' trip
and we can work on our tans.
Barry: Me and the guys I already live with hanging out somewhere else? Yes!
John Calabasas: That "yes" is non‐refundable. Okay. White people dance! [steel drums play]

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