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Quote from Barry in Geoff the Pleaser

Barry: JTP.
All: [shivering] JTP.
Andy: Guys, I am so cold. I don't think I can make it another night here.
Matt: Also, have you guys noticed there's no water coming out of the faucet?
Barry: Hilarious. We're lovable screw-ups you can't help rooting for.
Andy: Eh, I don't think anyone would root for us if they saw our bathroom. It is rough sledding in there.
Matt: I don't go in there anymore. I signed up for a water aerobics class at the Y so I can get my body in water once a week.
Andy: Smart.
Naked Rob: And I use the Wawa bathroom down the street.
Matt: I don't want to be this guy, but I'm worried about us.
Barry: Silence, un-silent Matt Bradley! I have an idea for how to solve all our problems.

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