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Quote from Adam in Bev to the Future

Adam: A DeLorean?
Pop-Pop: Yeah, my idiot son Marvin owed me a bunch of money, and this is how he paid me back. [chuckles] Isn't it hideous?
Adam: It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
Pop-Pop: Oh, be careful. I used some spare parts to fix my coffee maker.
Adam: [as Michael J. Fox] Are you telling me you made a coffee machine... [breathing heavily] out of a DeLorean?
Pop-Pop: Well, don't say it so weird, but yeah. Now take it already.
Adam: Up to 88 miles per hour?
Pop-Pop: What? No. That's way over the speed limit. Am I making a mistake giving this to you?
Adam: No, I'll respect all traffic laws. Let's do this.

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