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Quote from Beverly in Love Shack

Beverly: Now, you said Pop-Pop's writing showed some promise. Instead, why not say he's the greatest imagineer the world has ever seen?
Adam: But that isn't true.
Beverly: Well, who cares about true? You're helping someone get over their fear. Now, pretend I'm Pop-Pop. Go.
Adam: Um, Pop-Pop, the beginning of this book was fun.
Beverly: Wrong! It wasn't fun. It was the greatest literary thrill ride the world has ever seen.
Adam: Seems a bit over the top.
Beverly: Now, what does Pop-Pop love even more than science fiction?
Adam: Sticking it to people?
Beverly: Which brings us to "V," value him over other people. "Pop-Pop, your writing isn't just good, it makes Hemingway look like an illiterate boob."

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