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Quote from Beverly in Two-Timing Goldbergs

Adam: So, what are we working with? Lay it on me. Who's lining up for a dose of Vitamin A?
Beverly: Lotta interest, um, but I think this might not be dating season.
Adam: Dating season?
Beverly: You know how many ladies like to go away on vacation at the end of February.
Adam: Oh, my God. Nobody wanted to go out with me, did they?
Beverly: You're a bit of a tough sell. You put off going to college, you're working part-time in a diner, you're living at home, and it does not sweeten the pot that you're currently seeing someone else in a non-exclusive sitch. Now, the only one that might be a possibility is Essie, but she said she'd have to think on it.
Adam: This is a nightmare!
Beverly: It's tearing me apart that the world can't see my boy for the hot property he is, even though, in this moment, to all appearances, it seems like you're a loser.
Adam: Thank you?

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