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Quote from Beverly in Two-Timing Goldbergs

Adult Adam: [v.o.] While Geoff and Erica had clarity about Barry and Lainey, Carmen had left me very confused.
Adam: Casual? I mean, I'm a guy who goes from intense monogamous relationship to intense monogamous relationship, like a normal person!
Beverly: Are you sure this woman is for you? She doesn't seem to understand how special my perfect little angel is.
Adam: Look, I have to grow up sometime, Mom, and I really like Carmen. So if she wants to be non-exclusive, I guess I'm just gonna have to figure out how.
Beverly: If I may remind you, you happen to be the son of the greatest Yenta the world has ever known.
Adam: I don't think I've ever said this to you before, but I like the way you're thinking.
Beverly: If my handsome little man needs to be non-exclusive, we're gonna show her how non-exclusive he can be. It's matchmaking time!

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