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Quote from Barry in The Downtown Boys

Barry: And I challenge our peers here to a game of smashball.
Teenage Boy: Bring it on, George Burns.
Barry: I assume you mean teenage George Burns, so thank you.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] And so began the most embarrassing game of smashball the JTP ever played. They whiffed bad. They swallowed their pride... and probably some seeds. And in a game that they created, a game with no real scoring... or means to determine a winner, JTP clearly lost.
Andy: Ugh, I think I have a grape in my ear. Also, how long has Naked Rob been in the bathroom? I mean, at what point do we check?
Matt: I'll go get some Nuprin from my car.
Barry: No pills! Our bodies heal themselves naturally.
Matt: It's more about pain management.
Barry: No, the JTP never give up.
Naked Rob: To quote the sloppily edited-for-TV version of Lethal Weapon, "I'm too old for this ship."
Barry: No, we are not! If anything, we're too young for this [bleep]... Ow!

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