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The Quote

Quote from Barry in The Downtown Boys

Andy: Hey, Bar, can we talk?
Barry: So you can tell me you're replacing me as leader of the JTP?
Naked Rob: Why would we do that?
Barry: 'Cause I tried to make you shimmy for preteens and their moms.
Matt: Well, admittedly, that wasn't great, but the idea behind it was.
Andy: Yeah, you were just trying to lift our spirits.
Naked Rob: And you saw how burdened we were with all the stuff that comes with getting older.
Matt: And you wanted to remind us that no matter what, we're young at heart.
Naked Rob: And you did it because you love us.
Barry: I really do.
Andy: And we love you, too, man.
Matt: And that makes you the best leader the JTP could ever have.
Barry: JTP!
All: JTP!

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