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Quote from Adam in A Light Thanksgiving Nosh

Pop-Pop: I told you girls already, I don't want anything from Samoa, especially a cookie.
Adam: [o.s.] Pop-Pop, open up! It's us. [knock on door] We feel really bad about any part we had in your break-up with Joyce.
Pop-Pop: I was alone for decades before Joyce. I'll be alone for decades after.
Adam: Don't say that. There are other women out there.
Pop-Pop: Not like Joyce. She was perfect. Nice figure, she didn't think she was better than me, and she lived within a 50-foot radius.
Barry: Why don't you try and win her back?
Pop-Pop: Win her back? She's not an object. She's a smoking-hot broad with a caboose that never stops chugging.
Barry: Caboose?
Adam: Ugh, ignoring that. We'll help you. Barry and I have a rich history of grand, romantic gestures.
Pop-Pop: Guess it couldn't make it any worse.
Adam: That's almost the spirit.

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