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Quote from Erica in A Light Thanksgiving Nosh

Beverly: Is it okay if I sit?
Erica: Why, so you can steal Arbor Day or Cinco de Mayo or Lou and Linda's anniversary?
Beverly: Linda, I am so sorry. You're one of my dearest friends.
Linda Schwartz: And you are one of mine. That's why I thought it would be so sweet when our families merge.
Beverly: It can be. It will be. I'm just so scared I'm gonna lose my baby to you.
Linda Schwartz: I'm scared I'm gonna lose my baby to you.
Erica: How about that? Sounds like you have everything in common.
Beverly: I guess that makes us pretty lucky.
Erica: I'm the lucky one. I get two great moms. Are you going to be okay with me saying that?
Beverly: Never. But if it's gotta be someone, I'm glad it's Linda.

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