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Quote from Erica in The Rose-Kissy Thing

Erica: [sighs] So, I completely struck out and have no pre-wedding fun captain.
Geoff: You know, my sister's dying to help.
Erica: Yeah, it's just Joanne doesn't know me very well. But you know who does know me well? Me.
Geoff: Ooh, is this one of those logic puzzles, like where the doctor who couldn't operate on the boy turned out to be his mother?
Erica: It's the '80s. A woman can plan her own wedding events, can't she?
Geoff: Not sure that's gonna be the takeaway from this decade, but I guess.
Erica: Then it's settled. I will be my own fun captain.
Geoff: Yay! My fiancee has a shaky and unconventional plan.

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