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Quote from Barry in An Itch Like No Other

Dr. Reese: Here's the instructions for his care, and I can't believe I have to say this... Don't rub strange plants on your delicate areas.
Barry: I'll be a doctor, too, soon. [Dr. Reese exits]
Geoff: So, Barry, just to make sure I understand, you want us to help you?
Barry: You're my only choice. Joanne can't know. And I can't ask Mom, 'cause based on prior experiences with ointment, she'd be too eager to help.
Erica: But why us?
Barry: You two dopes are the most responsible people I know. Please? I can't do this on my own. [baby voice] Pwease. Take cawr uv baby Bewwy.
Erica: That doesn't work the way you think it does.
Geoff: Come on, Erica. He looks at us like Mom and Dad.
Erica: [sighs] Pass around the cigars. We're the proud parents of a 210-pound, ten-ounce bundle of idiocy.
Barry: And I promise to make it easy as possible.
Erica: I doubt that.

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