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Quote from Geoff in An Itch Like No Other

Geoff: [sighs] Okay, he's finally down.
Erica: Yippee.
Geoff: He wanted a bedtime story, and he insisted I make it super graphic. It was very uncomfortable.
Erica: Well, I'm sure the smile on his dumb little face made it all worth it.
Geoff: Why are you so upset? I'm the one who's doing most of the work.
Erica: Oh, you love doing most of the work.
Barry: [o.s.] Guys! I need help to the bathroom! You know, 'cause of my condition!
Geoff: Here's where I prove you wrong. You're up.
Erica: How about no one's up? We can let him cry it out once in a while.
Geoff: Yeah, that's not really my style.
Erica: Yeah, which is why he's worse and worse. I mean, you just spun him an R-rated goodnight yarn.
Barry: [o.s.] There's a ticking clock on this!
Geoff: Okay, fine, I'll go. But tomorrow, I have to be in lab, so you're on call.
Erica: Fine. But remember, I have a cappella practice.
Barry: [o.s.] Yay! It's Geoff! He helps without hurting.

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