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Quote from Andy in Riptide Waters

Naked Rob: The trunks are the only thing really slowing you down when you're on the slide, so I just kept going faster and faster.
Matt: You remember when Stacy "went missing" in the Lagoon and people were going crazy and the park manager was like, "You can swim, right? Get in there."
Andy: I do remember sinking to the bottom and feeling really at peace.
Naked Rob: And I just came shooting out of that slide, uh, skipped across the pool like a stone across a lake.
Matt: I dove into that lagoon again and again looking for Stacy, but I couldn't... I-I-I couldn't find her.
Andy: And then I saw my grandma, a-and she had this bright, warm light coming from behind her, but also from within.
Naked Rob: I looked around for my suit, but it was gone. It doesn't make any sense, but deep down, I know the park took it.
Matt: At the end of the day, the manager said it was all a joke. That Stacy was never even there, and... and I believed him. I was just a boy.
Andy: I could smell my grandma's perfume. Although, it might have been the aftershave of the lifeguard that was resuscitating me.
Naked Rob: Then I noticed everyone looking at me. So many judging eyes. I-I lied to myself and embraced it. I didn't want to, but I had to. I had to be Naked Rob.
Matt: I never saw Stacy again.
Andy: Did I die?

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