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Quote from Adam in Daddy Daughter Day 2

Barry: Ha ha. Boom! This high-traffic area is fully greased.
Adam: Just adding some finishing touches.
Barry: What is that? What are you doing?
Adam: Adding rock salt. Don't want the floor to be too slippery.
Barry: Yes, you do. How is anyone gonna hurtle themselves into the locker, possibly needing to go to the hospital while everyone giggles?
Adam: I don't want to hurt anyone.
Barry: Tell me you didn't take the Saran Wrap off the toilets.
Adam: Of course not! I just hung up signs saying "Warning: these toilets are Saran-Wrapped."
Barry: You're gonna disgrace the Goldberg name by not disgracing the Goldberg name! I'm gonna go find a locker to punch.
Adam: And I'm gonna run a mop over this to save the janitor the trouble.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] Barry was right. I was a good boy, doomed to be forgotten.. until I saw something that changed all of that.

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