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Quote from Barry in Bever-lé

Adult Adam: [v.o.] While my mom was amped, Barry wasn't exactly pumped for his tryout.
Naked Rob: Why won't Big Tasty come out?
Barry: Because I don't want to die, you idiots! Do you see the size of these guys?!
Geoff: Yeah, Bar. Football players are large. That's kinda what they're known for.
Barry: I'm not sure I can go through with this tryout.
Murray: There's my boy.
Barry: You came? You don't come to stuff.
Murray: Of course I did, you moron! We're in this together!
Barry: We are in this together. I mean, it's my body out there, but I can see how you might have some interest in how this all turns out.
Murray: Yeah, I do. Break a leg.

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