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Quote from Beverly in Bever-lé

Beverly: Fear not, children. Soon Madame Mama will buy you hundreds of televisions.
Adam: That seems like too many. And why are you dressed like Sam Kinison?
Beverly: This outfit is French. Energé wants their saleswomen to represent their le brand.
Erica: You joined Jane Bales' company?
Beverly: More like Beverly Goldberg's company. That's what they're gonna call it as soon as I outsell that screechy scarecrow.
Adam: Wait. Does that mean you're no longer the Quaker Warden at my school?
Beverly: I am gonna have to scale back my hours a little bit so I can bring home the French Benjamins, AKA francs.
Adam: Whatever this is, you have my full support.
Beverly: Then go get me all the names and phone numbers of your friends' moms so I can hawk them stuff until they go broke.
Adam: Desperate times. I'll go grab you a pen.

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