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Quote from Erica in Cocoon

Adult Adam: [v.o.] My mom was back in arbitration, but without Erica or any evidence, her case seemed to be open and shut.
Pamela: Mrs. Goldberg, do you have anything further to present?
Beverly: Only my word. I did not sign that addendum.
Pamela: I'm ready to make my ruling and be done with both of you forever.
Erica: [enters] Not so fast.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] And then, in a hero moment straight out of L.A. Law, a badass in shoulder pads showed up to save the day.
Beverly: Erica, what are you doing here?
Erica: Fighting for something I care about. I'd like to call Murray Goldberg to the stand.
Beverly: [gasps] A surprise, 11th-hour witness? Oh, you are in for it now.
Mr. Whitby: I-I object.
Erica: On what grounds?
Mr. Glascott: I'll allow it. Let's see where this goes.

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