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Quote from Murray in Eracism

Pops: Beverly, the boy deserves the truth. Think about where our people came from.
Adam: I-I thought we came from Abington.
Pops: Murray, please. Jump in any time.
Murray: Well, as you know, I'm not much of a jumper.
Pops: Oh!
Murray: But the boy's turning 12. I figure it's about time.
Adam: I'm a senior in high school, and time for what?
Murray: Here.
Beverly: Murray, no. Not the box of harsh realities.
Murray: Your mom kept those movies away from you, and for the record, I was against it until she made the most convincing pot roast.
Beverly: It's too much too fast. You're gonna short-circuit his innocent little brain.
Murray: We're gonna deal with it the way my dad taught me how to swim. He threw me in the deep end and then went inside to play canasta.
Pops: That may not be a good example.

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