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Quote from Barry in Dee-Vorced

Erica: Dude, they can't live in a dump. They have girlfriends now.
Barry: Oh, please! These loveless, unlovable dummies don't have love in their love-deprived lives.
Matt: But we do. I met Beth when she came in The Gap looking for a fitted cable knit sweater, and she left with my heart.
Barry: Dear Penthouse letters, I have a story you'll never use.
Andy: My special lady is Gwen. Her purity ring says no, but her anger at her father says yes.
Barry: Gwen sounds like a poor man's Beth.
Naked Rob: I've recently begun a dalliance with Laura. She embraces my nudist lifestyle but asks that I put a towel down on her couch.
Barry: Sounds like you guys got a pretty good poker hand: three fives. Now let's go to the Wawa and play some classic JTP smash ball.
Erica: Is that where you smash fruit with swords and tennis racquets, and the guy who works there spends hours hosing it down?
Barry: Erica knows her sports.

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