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Quote from Geoff in Dee-Vorced

Geoff: Why can't you just be happy for them?
Barry: I am. I love those guys. It's just they've always been there when I needed them. And for the first time they're not.
Geoff: That's not true. Bar, haven't I always been there for you?
Barry: Yeah.
Geoff: Look, you can still be a good friend while being in a relationship.
Barry: What's the secret?
Geoff: No secret. You just got to work hard at both. And always make sure no one forgets how much they mean to you.
Barry: Are you saying I should go to them?
Geoff: They're on a group date right now at the mini golf course. So maybe it can wait till...
Barry: I will go to them! Thank you, Geoff.

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