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Quote from Beverly in Bill's Wedding

Dolores: Beverly, big problem. Bill has locked himself in the bathroom. He says he doesn't want to go through with it!
Beverly: Nobody panic. It's just cold feet. Murray will talk him down.
Dolores: Thank you, Murray! [walks off]
Murray: What am I supposed to do?
Beverly: Maybe care about this wedding for a freakin' second!
Murray: I did at City Hall. But then you took over everything and turned it into a circus.
Beverly: Circus? Do you understand why I'm doing this?
Murray: No, I don't.
Beverly: Murray, you know, a wedding is not just about the two people getting married. It's a celebration of what it means to be married. Two people starting their lives together, starting a family.
Murray: Huh. I never thought of that.
Beverly: Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you didn't.

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