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Quote from Erica in Bill's Wedding

Geoff: Look, about the whole study-abroad thing... it kind of seemed like you were super pumped for me to go.
Erica: So pumped!
Geoff: You'd be okay with me leaving you, then?
Erica: I guess that's what I'm saying.
Geoff: Oh. Okay, then. I guess I should really consider it.
Erica: Please don't!
Geoff: I am so confused.
Erica: I know. I'm sorry. Of course I don't want you to go. But we just had this whole thing about how everything's on my terms, and this was my chance to finally support what you want.
Geoff: But I can never leave you.
Erica: But it's España. You can eat paella and watch children smoke.
Geoff: Everything I want is right here.
Erica: Now you're laying it on a little thick.
Geoff: Just shut up and kiss the flower girl.

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