Jazz Quote #79

Quote from Jazz in Here Comes the Judge

Jazz: Well, I guess I ought to be going. You probably got college applications to fill out.
Will: Well, yeah, actually, I do.
Jazz: You probably want to hang out with educated people who drink their malt liquor in a glass.
Will: What are you talking about, Jazz?
Jazz: Face it, Will. You're going to go off to college to be somebody and I'm going to be stuck here living foot to mouth.
Will: I think you mean hand to mouth, Jazz.


 ‘Here Comes the Judge’ Quotes

Quote from Hilary

Hilary: I can't believe this. I mean, Will being arrested means we're all going to be investigated. I mean, this is how they knocked off Imelda Marcos. I'll just die if they touch my shoes.
Geoffrey: I'd die if you made your own bed.

Quote from Jazz

Jazz: What's up, Will? Man, what's with all the reporters? I ain't seen no chalk outlines or nothing.
Will: That's 'cause I didn't murder you yet.
Jazz: What's got your BVDs in a bunch?
Will: Well, for starters, you ruined the most important day in my uncle's life.
Jazz: Haagen-Dazs opened in Bel-Air?

Quote from Jazz

Will: Hey, Judge.
Philip: Now, Will, please. I haven't even announced that I'm running.
Jazz: I don't think you'd have to announce it, Mr. Banks. If you ran, we'd hear you coming.
Philip: I'm running for Superior Court Judge.
Jazz: He still could use the exercise.