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Quote from Carlton in The Cold War

Carlton: You backstabbing, girlfriend-stealing, piece of rubbish. Did you really expect me to believe you name your food?
Will: Hey, look, Carlton, I'm telling you, man, it ain't how it seems, man.
Carlton: Then you didn't go out with my girlfriend behind my back?
Will: Okay, that's exactly how it seems. But, hey, look, man, I didn't do it for me. I did it for you. I did it to save you from something terrible. As soon as I figure it out, I'll let you know what it is.
Carlton: Every time you've tried to hurt me, I've turned the other cheek. Well, I've run out of cheeks.
Will: Carlton, man, what are you trying to say?
Carlton: I'm trying to say that I can't trust you anymore. Look, we're no longer family. We're through. Fini. It's over.

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