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Quote from Carlton in I, Clownius

Carlton: Hey, look, everyone. Look who I found.
Ashley: Hey. Hey, it's the dummy.
Will: Oh, yeah, and he found Safety Guy.
Carlton: Can you believe no one stole him? Listen, everyone, we were lucky this time but if we've learned anything from this crisis, it's that in the face of danger...
Will: You scream like a girl?
Carlton: No. Is that preparation is everything. Mom, you're the upstairs lookout. Ashley, man the decoy vehicle. Will, secure the perimeter. Hilary, upstairs on the roof. [they chat among themselves] Geoffrey, in the kitchen. Discipline, people. Discipline. Well, buddy, looks like the security of the Banks family rests on our shoulders. [Carlton wails as he knocks Safety Guy's head off]

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