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Quote from Aunt Helen in The Aunt Who Came to Dinner

Lester: How could you think I was even seeing another woman?
Aunt Helen: Well, you know what they say. If the rooster ain't crowing in the henhouse, he must be cock-a-doodling in the barn.
Lester: Helen, I wasn't cock-a-doodling anywhere. When that job went south, well, my doodle went with it. You know I'm crazy about you, baby.
Aunt Helen: Well, I wish you would have said something. But, knowing me, I wouldn't have listened anyway. Oh, I'm sorry, baby.
Lester: You know, I still should have told you about Anita. I'm the one who's sorry.
Aunt Helen: It was worth it if it worked. Did it? Did it work?
Lester: There's only one way to find out.
Will: Guys? Help me! Somebody let me out of here! They doing it.

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